InText has opened a new office in Ivano-Frankivsk 03.05.2022 We are delighted to announce that InText has opened its second Ukrainian office in Ivano-Frankivsk, one of the biggest cities in western Ukraine. Our main office in Dnipro continues to operate normal…
Humanitarian aid for refugees from the hot spots 28.04.2022 Russia’s war against Ukraine is impacting the lives of ordinary people who have been forced to flee the war zones, sometimes with no or very limited means of survival. The regions of our countr…
Working in a wartime. Iryna's Vizir interview by Multilingual 23.04.2022 Last month Multilingual published my interview on how we experienced the first month of the war. We thank for this opportunity to give us a voice and talk about the real situation with the Russia…
New employees are joining our team 22.04.2022 #GAL# In these times of hardship for all Ukrainians, our company continues to work and support its employees and Ukraine’s economy. We are delighted to announce that a few talented Ukrainian p…
InText donates 10% from every DTP order for humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees 11.04.2022 Our country continues to defend itself in the war treacherously unleashed by Russia.  In these darkest times for the Ukrainian people, each of us is doing what we can to help our country to vict…
Humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees 07.04.2022 Ukraine continues to defend itself in the war treacherously unleashed by Russia against our peaceful country. In these darkest times for the Ukrainian people, each of us is doing what we can to help o…
InText stands for Ukraine 03.03.2022 InText stands with all people of Ukraine in claiming that Russian leadership treacherously unleashed and is waging a war against peaceful Ukraine. During these difficult times, InText has approved …
Multilingual Desktop Publishing: Tips & Tricks #3 12.01.2022 We continue with DTP Tips & Tricks series. In our previous blog posts, you can find some basic tips for DTP projects as well as more specific advice on working in InDesign. This time we would…
Join the Christmas champagne game from InText 23.11.2021 The InText website game is over, and now we know all 8 raffle winners! Here you can watch the full video to find out their names!  This time we had 93 raffle attendees who found all the bottles …
UTICamp-2021: we have bottles 15.11.2021 Every summer InText organizes a unique localization industry event –  UTICamp. This year, it was held July 19–25 outside Dnipro, Ukraine, in a picturesque forested riverside venu…
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