Our customers need high-quality translations as soon as possible and at a reasonable price. But these three common criteria are hard to combine. To meet this demand, InText employs a wide range of software tools including ones that perform machine translation (MT).

Machine translation is the process of automatically generating text in a target language based on text in a source language. In recent years, machine translation technology has made significant progress due to the application of neural networks and artificial intelligence (AI). Neural machine translation (NMT) is the latest MT technology, providing acceptable results for various business cases.

Machine translation offers two main advantages: high speed and low cost.

Hundreds or even thousands of pages can be machine translated in a single day for a fraction of the cost of a full human translation. But this technology, like any other, should be used with knowledge and caution. Even the most sophisticated algorithms do not guarantee 100% accuracy in the target language, so qualified linguists are vital for achieving the desired quality.

The feasibility of using machine translation depends on three major factors:

  • Nature of the source text. Easy-to-read and well-structured descriptive texts are best suited to machine translation.

  • Fluency requirements for the translated text. When the speed of communication is more important than style, machine translation can often provide a good result.

  • Possible risks of miscommunication. Machine translation is suitable for situations where the possible consequences of a misunderstanding are negligible. But when information is crucial — such as for business negotiations or healthcare decisions — you need to perform a careful quality check of machine translated texts or opt for full human translation.

At InText, we adhere to ISO 18587:2017 standards for post-editing of machine translations. ISO 18587:2017 applies only to content processed by MT systems, providing requirements for the process of full human post-editing of machine translation output and for editors’ competences.

MT-related services

Our range of machine translation services includes:

  • Assessing your translation project. We always strive to provide our clients with optimal solutions. To do this, we analyze your source files and requirements and recommend the most efficient translation workflow.

  • Preparing source files for machine translation. It’s not always possible to simply upload files to a machine translation system. For example, scanned copies or files with sophisticated layouts may be challenging. We can preprocess your files to remove stumbling blocks for MT software.

  • Machine translation with full post-editing. Comprehensive checks and corrections of machine-generated output will give you quality comparable to a human translation.

  • Machine translation with premium post-editing. Depending on your requirements, a quality check of machine-generated text by a human linguist and revision by a second linguist will be the best choice to ensure your message is clearly delivered to your audience. In this case, the quality of the translated text will equal the quality of a human translation.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

LLMs such as GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 are deep learning algorithms that can perform a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Large language models use transformer models and are trained using massive datasets, enabling them to comprehend, translate, predict, and generate text or other content. ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Llama, and more are considered some of today’s largest language models.

A more detailed description of our services is provided in our machine translation menu, which is available here:


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