Nina Kalinina Senior Marketing Manager

This year marks the ninth anniversary since Petrykivka decorative painting was recognized as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Did you know that our office is situated just 50 kilometers away from the origins of this unique painting style?

Since its foundation, InText has used the Petrykivka style in office decor, souvenirs presented to partners, stylized graphics for promotional materials, and conference stands. But what is so special about Petrykivka painting?

Photo with the InText's partners in 2010

History, tradition, and modernity are combined in Petrykivka painting. The technique dates back long before Christianity. Ukrainians used such ornamental folk art as amulets, painting household items and dwellings. From the seventeenth century, Petrykivka painting became one of the most important decorative elements of Ukrainian homes, musical instruments, and furniture. Moreover, UNESCO recognized Petrykivka decorative painting as a phenomenon of the Ukrainian ornamental folk art as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2013. Today, you can see Petrykivka painting on a wide variety of things – for instance, on the banner of Ukraine’s 2017 Eurovision entry and on credit cards.

This Ukrainian phenomenon has found its place in the marketing sphere. InText began to use the Petrykivka ornamental folk art style in graphic design in 2019. Back then, we were preparing for tekom fair 2019 during tcworld Conference 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany – the largest conference for technical communication in Europe. Our designers made their own unique character – an interpretation of the United Buddy Bear decorated with Petrykivka-styled ornamentation.

The InText booth at tekom fair 2019

This year, we took part in tekom fair 2022 during tcworld Conference 2022. At the fair, attendees could see our unique Petrykivka design – a heart-shaped symbol of gratitude for the world’s support of Ukraine. Fair attendees took photos in front of a symbol of this unique and special Ukrainian cultural treasure, and we were delighted to meet them all!

The InText team with the raffle winners at tekom fair 2022

In addition to the exhibitions, we make extensive use of the Petrykivka painting style in corporate life. We send our partners and employees postcards, souvenirs, and toys with Petrykivka ornamentation. What’s more, InText is turning 20 this year, and we are currently running a charity event that has Petrykivka-style lottery tickets with a beautiful flowery heart. All employees will also receive nice shirts as a gift (see photo below):

The InText team in 2022

Of course, not all of our campaigns are Ukrainian styled. You can find more examples of other campaigns in our marketing portfolio. Our team always enjoys creating something special and unique. You can rely on our creative graphic design team as well as our skilled desktop publishing department.

If you need to order graphic design or localization services, email us at crm@intext.com.

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